Kamis, 29 November 2012

About cosplay + cosplay plan

Hi everyone (^O^☆♪ in this post I will talk about cosplay from my point of view,and my cosplay plan. Have I ever cosplayed? Nope /shot. But I plan to,considering I'm going to have more free time in college (or not- probably will be even busier-) and planning to do freelance stuff later on.
I think most people already know what is cosplay. But no harm in explaining again right? Just some basic and some from my point of view, gathered from my cosplayer friends,and reading cosplay posts,etc~

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Pre-univ stuff

Good day everyone (。・ω・。)

Wow being a 12th grader is hard sobs,so busy with so many assignments,esp the video editing,I haven't even touched our team's movie data sobs.

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Diary 09/11

Good day 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Wow haven't been posting anything lately orz
In 3rd year nau wow I'm so busy with test and college stuff
or not really lmao,I'm still so active on twitter (*ノ・ω・)
And I might post some short review of animes I've been watching,Fall got so many awesome titles I'm having hard time downloading and watching all of them (´・_・`)

By the way,ordered some stuff (sorry for blurry pic)